CEE | Center for Experimental Ethnography
Photo by Ernst Karel
"The course was an opportunity to open up the question: what might constitute 'audio documentary' or 'ethnographic audio'?"
ERNST KARELworks with sound, including experimental nonfiction sound works for multichannel installation and performance, electroacoustic music, and postproduction sound for nonfiction vilm.
Ernst Karel's work focuses on the practice of location recording and composing with unprocessed location recordings; in performance he sometimes combines these with analog electronics to create pieces which move between the abstract and the documentary; in performance he sometimes combines these with analog electronics to create pieces which move between the abstract and the documentary. His work has been presented at Sonic Acts, Amsterdam; Arsenal, Berlin; and the 2014 Whitney Biennial, among others. Sound installations with Helen Mirra have been exhibited at the Gardner Museum in Boston, MIT List Visual Arts Center, and in the 2012 Sao Paulo Bienal. Video with multichannel sound collaborations include Single Stream (2014, with Toby Lee and Pawel Wojtasik), Ah humanity! (2015, with Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel), and Expedition Content (2020, with Veronika Kusumaryati). Ernst Karel. Photo by Domenico Singha Pedroli
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